Hell of a life, that's what i call this week, this month and this series-fucked-up-shit day!
Aint nothing, but i just fall the fuck down, No one can help it, nothing can change it, just down....down...down
damn man! my man "V.Hà" almost die on my fucking hands! So fucking scare, so fucking much things make me wana quit, but guess what? we gotta keep it coming, aint nothing can stop it
School,Friends,B,B,Musix,Football,Sport,Book,Family, anything is about to against me
Just feel so fucking lonely in the air, just want to say Fuck the world and quit....
Tam Đảo (8/7/09)
sới bạc của a e mình
deo dây an toàn khi đi trên đường đấy
ảnh ae mình đẹp quá nên e phải cho lên đầu :D
nhìn a như ............. :d
phạt nghìn mắt nghìn ta...
15 năm trước
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